Faith building stories


Carry your cross

In Mexico, there lived an eight year old boy named Pedro who loved Jesus Christ. His parents knew nothing about Jesus. Pedro would go to the church every Sunday giving some lame excuses to his parents.

One day, the Pastor was preaching about Simon of Cyrene. When Jesus was unable to bear the weight of His cross, He fell prostrate upon His face. The Roman soldiers got hold of Simon of Cyrene and forced him to carry the cross instead of Jesus. The Pastor then put forth a challenge to the congregation, "How many of you are prepared to carry the cross for Jesus today?"

When the service was over, Pedro came to see the Pastor and said, "Pastor, I am prepared to carry the cross for Jesus Christ." The Pastor told him, If you carry the cross, the Roman soldiers will beat you too. Your body will be bruised and broken. Are you not concerned about it?

Pedro replied, "I don't mind what happens to me but I will follow Jesus!"

The next week after the service, the Pastor was shaking hands with the members of the congregation as they were leaving the church. When Pedro came, the Pastor fondly patted him on his back. The boy then said, "Pastor, please do not touch my back because it hurts."

The Pastor took the boy to his room and asked him to remove his shirt. There were wounds all over his back.

Pedro said with tears in his eyes, "Pastor, you asked me if I could carry the cross of Jesus. I am now carrying it. Because I came to the church, my mother beat me so cruelly that my back has been broken. But I still love Jesus and I will ever follow Him".

Dear friend, you may go through similar sufferings for Jesus. Ask Him to give you grace to bear them. He will certainly help you and give you victory in all your problems and bless you with goodness and mercy.

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