God Talk


The basic question - Does God exist?

Does God exist? We need to know the answer of this basic question before we can answer other big questions like Who created us? Why we are here on the earth? Where did we come from? What is our purpose on this earth? What happens when we die?

We can not prove existence of God via a chemical or physical test in a lab or through a complex hypothesis or argument or logic.  God ....?However, there are so many other phenomena that can not be proved this way but they exist. For example, we can not see or prove the existence of love. Has any scientist explained clearly the nature of love? Unless he loves truly, a scientist cannot tell what love is. If he knows how to love, he can only explain it by experience and not through the microscope or telescope. Can he deny the existence of love? In the same way if we cannot "prove" existence of God as we prove a chemical equation, it does not mean that He is not real. It only means we are not using appropriate tools or we have limitations of the senses or mind. God Almighty is beyond the capture of the senses and the mind.

With the advancement of science and newer discoveries, more and more scientists have started believing in God because they realize that science alone cannot explain where we came from or why we are here. They are convinced that science itself points to an all-wise and all-powerful Creator. If we take a closer look at all creations around us, we can easily comprehend that these things are not created by ‘chance’ or by a ‘big bang’ as science believes. It is hard to imagine how a chaotic disorder like the “big bang” would result in orderly concepts like democracy or how a loud explosion in the stars would eventually cause music. The fact that men live in harmony with nature and that we desire progress in every thing - from resources and recognition - is a manifestation that Someone is in control because nothing gets created on its own. If there was no God - the Creator, then the concept of big bang theory itself would have failed prematurely. No God, no big bang theory, no creation of the universe and there would never have been a solar system nor our Mother Earth and even us.

In order to get a logical answer for the question "does God exist?" consider following facts and observations:

.......> Odds against life arising from non-life or unintelligent processes are enormous. If life did not arise by chance, how did it arise?

.......> Advances in molecular biology reveal that each and every living cell contains a vast amount of encoded information. Information requires intelligence and design requires a designer.

.......> Discoveries in astronomy have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that the universe did, in fact, have a beginning. There was a single moment of creation. Further, the whole creation is like a mighty computer which runs on a system of predefined parameters. There must be Someone who was there “in the beginning” and created all this and defined these parameters.

.......> People of every race, creed, color and culture, young and old, men and woman claim to have personally experienced something of the supernatural like divine healing, prophetic revelation and answered prayer. Their imagination may have played a part but is there something more?

Aside from the above mentioned facts, there are millions of reasons why we should believe the existence of God, the One who created the universe and put man on top of all His creation. He was there before time began and will be there after the end of the universe. If we remove God from the equation, we lose all sense of purpose for man and the universe.

We can know God is real when we experience His reality. God wants us to know that He is real. One way you can find out for sure is through an experimental approach. Pray a prayer like this:

" God, if you are real, show me. If you really exist, I want to know before it is too late."

No one else needs to know if you prayed such a prayer. If there is no God, then He can't respond to any prayer. If He exists, He will show you in a way that is convincing to you.

If your curiosity has been aroused and you desire to look into this further, we recommend that you consider reading The Holy Book. If God does exist, He must have revealed Himself. And if He has revealed Himself, He must have revealed in His Word - The Bible.

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